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Stress and TMJ Pain: Tips for Managing Your Pain

TMJ in New York

Smiling at a stranger, talking on the phone, or biting into your favorite snack all require facial movements that you rarely think about. However, if you suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction or TMJ, these movements can result in overwhelming pain. The doctors at New York Smiles Institute understand the discomfort and inconvenience caused by TMJ and want all patients to experience freedom from this condition. Below, learn what you can do to manage your pain with TMJ.

Take Note of Bad Habits

TMJ can be made worse with certain habits, so it is important to pay attention to any actions that could lead to worsening TMJ symptoms. Habits to be aware of include:

  • Biting your nails
  • Chewing on pens
  • Clenching your jaw
  • Teeth grinding

Check Your Posture

Bad posture can directly contribute to jaw pain. Ensure you maintain a good posture when sitting, walking, and standing. If you work at a desk, consider investing in ergonomic office furniture with great back and neck support so that you are comfortable throughout the day.

Adjust Your Sleeping Position

Sleep is a restorative function of the body, but it can lead to TMJ pain if you happen to sleep in a position that is not ideal. Sleeping on your back may be beneficial, as this position avoids putting pressure on the jaw.

Use Heat

A hot compress can be used to soothe the jaw, making it a great option for relaxing the muscles in this area. Alternatively, using a cold compress can also help manage TMJ pain by reducing pain.

Relax Your Jaw

While certain movements, like yawning and chewing, are unavoidable, attempting to relax your jaw as much as possible throughout the day can go a long way toward your TMJ pain management.

Avoid Stress

Stress can lead to clenching the jaw, sometimes without you noticing. However, this type of movement places significant pressure on the jaw and can lead to tenderness and radiating pain. Avoid stress when possible and try stress-reducing techniques to help relax you. Yoga is a popular option for reducing stress, but other activities, such as painting or simply carving out a few quiet moments during your day can help you reduce your overall stress.

Book Your Appointment Today

You do not have to live with the pain associated with TMJ. Learn about your treatment options at New York Smiles Institute. Contact our office today, where a friendly member of our staff will help you book your TMJ consultation.