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Man with a confident smile
Beautiful smile

How Inlays and Onlays Can Help You Smile with Confidence

Inlays Onlays New York

If you have cavities, your New York Smiles Institute doctor may talk to you about your restorative options. These may include inlays and onlays, which are beneficial to those who need more work than traditional dental fillings. Our doctors are passionate about using conservative, cutting-edge treatments to help you achieve and maintain a healthy smile. Continue to learn more about dental inlays and onlays.

About Dental Inlays

Dental inlays are a conservative approach to restoring significant tooth damage. They are typically made of composite material or porcelain, which matches the surrounding tooth and provides for a seamless finish. The inlay is customized to your tooth and is cemented to the tooth, for a lasting and secure restoration.

About Dental Onlays 

The correction provided by onlays is more extensive than inlays. Essentially, onlays are used when traditional fillings may not provide adequate support for the tooth. However, onlays, as well as inlays, are still a more conservative restorative option than crowns.

Benefits of Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays offer patients outstanding durability, often lasting longer than traditional fillings. They also allow more of the tooth’s natural structure to remain. Crowns, on the other hand, are ideal for patients who need extensive correction for decayed or weakened teeth. They are often secured to a dental implant or used in root canal treatment. Crowns fit over the entire tooth to restore its appearance and function.

How Can I Prevent Tooth Decay?

While inlays and onlays are excellent treatment options, preventing damage to the teeth in the first place should be a priority.

Tooth decay describes damage to the tooth’s enamel. It occurs when harmful bacteria create acid that weakens the enamel. Tooth decay is often the result of poor brushing and flossing habits; however, some patients are more prone to cavities than others.

To prevent tooth decay, you should maintain a proper oral hygiene routine that includes brushing twice a day to remove the film of plaque that forms on the teeth. In addition, flossing helps you remove food that becomes stuck between the teeth. All of this is in addition to professional dental cleanings, which help you limit the buildup of plaque and cavities. Your NYSI doctor may also recommend fluoride treatments to help reinforce your enamel and prevent cavities from forming.

Contact Us Today

Your teeth’s health can have a major impact on the quality of your life. Achieve your best smile yet at NYSI with our range of dental restoration services. Contact us today to schedule your appointment with one of our experts.