You are likely aware of the importance of professional teeth cleanings. Regular cleanings reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease and dental decay, ensuring that your smile remains as clean as possible, but how often do you need to schedule a cleaning? Patients should have their teeth cleaned on a regular basis, but typically every six months. Ahead, Dr. Dean provides information about why twice-a-year cleanings are recommended.
Why Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned Regularly?
Having an established dental hygiene routine that consists of daily flossing and brushing is essential for healthy teeth and gums. However, plaque can still build up over the teeth over time, even with good oral hygiene practices. Plaque, which is the thin film of bacteria that forms on the teeth, can lead to the breakdown of enamel, making your teeth more susceptible to cavities. Gum disease and tooth loss can also occur in the presence of plaque. Professional teeth cleaning allows your teeth to be thoroughly cleansed of plaque, tartar, and bacteria, reducing your risk of dental issues in the future. Teeth cleanings also help keep bad breath at bay and support whole-body health.
What to Expect During a Dental Cleaning
There are several types of dental cleanings, and the most appropriate option will be recommended to you based on your needs. Generally, dental cleanings take around 30 minutes, but the current health of your teeth will determine the length of your appointment as excessive plaque and tartar buildup may require additional time to remove. During a routine cleaning at New York Smile Institute, one of our skilled dental hygienists will perform the following treatments:
Scaling: Scaling involves the use of a special instrument known as a scaler to eliminate plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth and around the gumline.
Tooth polishing: After scaling, your teeth will be polished using a special paste and a powerful electric brush. This step removes any plaque and tartar left behind after scaling.
Preventative services: In many cases, preventative treatments are performed to enhance your oral health. For example, you may receive a fluoride treatment that reinforces the enamel and prevents cavities from developing.
Many patients have unique dental needs and may require dental cleanings at shorter intervals, especially those who are cavity prone.
Contact Us Today
Prevention is the key to a healthy smile, and routine cleanings are a critical component. Dr. Dean and his trusted team are eager to help you improve and maintain optimal oral health. Contact our practice today to schedule your dental cleaning.